
Showing posts with label Sam Ratulangi University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sam Ratulangi University. Show all posts

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Story of the Day (Sunday, 5 February, 2023)

Aww, this day I was encouraging my own self that I can be better and I can improve a lot of my abilities, especially my language skills. I'm still learning many things, my knowledge and wisdom that will save me coupled with my strong mentality and charming personality.

This photo was taken on Sunday, 5 February, 2023 at 22:53 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

Tomorrow (06/02/2023), My mother and I are planning to go to my high school to pay off my high school tuition debt of IDR 500,000. Hopefully after paying the tuition debt I can immediately take my high school diploma.

Tomorrow is the first day of studying at Sam Ratulangi University, my college friends are probably ready for the first day of their second semester. Ah, it's okay I will go to college again at another university that is better than that. I will continue my study, really.

Writing like this is good, when one day someone wants to insult me ​​or put me down based on my past story, I'm ready for that because I've told a lot about me from now until later. I also share stories about me with all of you, maybe we have similar or the same stories.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (05/02/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Sunday, 5 February, 2023.


Friday, February 3, 2023

Story of the Day (Friday, 3 February, 2023)

Today was quite tiring but in general it was good because I had met my college friend and also my discussion partner, Boydo Saragih. He's a student of department of law and now he lives in student dormitory of Sam Ratulangi University.

This photo was taken on Friday, 3 February, 2023 at 17:10 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in student dormitory of Sam Ratulangi University.

This photo was taken on Friday, 3 February, 2023 at 17:03 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in student dormitory of Sam Ratulangi University.

Today is my first day to campus in 2023, it's been a long time since I haven't been to campus since December 2022, I usually come every Friday. I'll see if I come next Friday or not.

I'm a bit annoyed actually because I don't know why after I updated Instagram, the size of my photo is cropped when I want to post even though the size is still allowed, shit. I don't like this, really.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (03/02/2023)

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram on Friday, 3 February, 2023.


Sunday, January 29, 2023

Story of the Day (Sunday, 29 January, 2023)

Ah, yesterday and today went really well. I didn't have any problems yesterday and today. My best friend Yara was really really kind to me we've only been friends for about 1 week but she and I are already best friends. I also miss Clara too, she's one of my best friends, I haven't chatted with her for over a week, I have asked her about her condition today and she's fine. She says she is busy with her job now, I appreciate that.

This photo was taken on Sunday, 29 January, 2023 at 17:29 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my grandma's backyard.

Yara lives in Jakarta and Clara lives in Yogyakarta. Yara doesn't have a girlfriend now and Clara has a girlfriend (her name is Javi and she lives in Semarang, Central Java). Me and them both have an age difference of 8 years, they were both born in 1997 while I was in 2005. Sometimes I like to flirt them, I love them both, they both are my closest best friends until now. We are part of LGBT community.

There is one of my friends from Medan, North Sumatra who will come to Manado on 31 January, his name is Boydo, he is my college friend from Faculty of Law of Sam Ratulangi University. I sometimes like to discuss with him about existing social issues via WhatsApp.

Boydo plans to live in the student dormitory of Sam Ratulangi University. He wants me to accompany him in campus on 31 January to take care about the requirements to stay in student dormitory, he is the first time here and also I am his closest friend here. I hope I can accompany him.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (29/01/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Sunday, 29 January, 2023.


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Story of the Day (Tuesday, 24 January, 2023)

Hmm, there are quite a lot of my college friends who have asked me lately whether I will continue or not continue studying in Sam Ratulangi University, As I've said before, I won't continue my study there. I'm sick of that college even though I like the environment because it's leafy and because my mother graduated there in 1999 from the department of management of faculty of economics and business.

This photo was taken on Tuesday, 24 January, 2023 at 16:03 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house.

Many were sad that I didn't continue and of course many were happy that I didn't continue studying there anymore. I don't care with those who want me to not continue there, they think I will disturb their peace and comfort, haha. I just care about myself not them, I just care about those who love me not them. I will study again at another university that is better than Sam Ratulangi University.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (24/01/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Tuesday, 24 January, 2023.


Friday, January 20, 2023

My Update for January 2023

Hi, this is me for 2023. I have changed my hairstyle since 30 December, 2022. I'm still thinking what I want to do further. You know, I don't know what to do now since I don't continue my college at Sam Ratulangi University. One of the main reasons is because the lecture process is still online (except for semester 4, 6 and 8) and also because I don't have money to pay my college tuition, it's IDR 3,000,000.

Currently I don't have any job I just staying alive. I haven't made ID card yet (my mother told me that we'll we make my ID card together later and I'm tired of waiting) and my mother hasn't taken my high school diploma (she still has a debt to my high school, my tuition fee, IDR 500,000 which she has not paid yet).

This photo was taken on Friday, 20 January, 2023 at 09:56 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

This photo was taken on Friday, 20 January, 2023 at 09:57 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

This photo was taken on Friday, 20 January, 2023 at 09:57 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

This photo was taken on Friday, 20 January, 2023 at 10:01 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

Actually I have no plan for 2023. What's matter for me is that I'm still alive. I'm just still on my old plan from last year: leave this fucking city and the this province too, leave my family and go so far I can, stay survive in a new place and looking for a job out there. 

How is my relationship with my family now? It's pretty unclear actually for me because I want to leave them but because I'm still here so I'm just taking advantage from my mother. I'm still very dependent on her for my life actually, my food, my cleanliness and my internet credit. What am I doing at her house? Just washing dishes and cooking rice. Sometimes I have done it but she still doesn't appreciate it.

My mother's relationship with my grandmother is very not good. Actually this is an old problem in my family, my mother has hated my grandmother since she was little but things have really gotten worse since my grandfather passed away on 25 March, 2022. Sometimes there are incidents that make my mother and grandmother in trouble, I actually don't really care about it, it's not my business.

Now I still live in my boarding house in Ranomuut Sub-district, Paal Dua District. This is  my grandma's business. Actually I'm very grateful to be able to live here for free and far enough but not too far from my mother, I have privacy here and I still commute from here to home every day to get food, still the same since December 2021. I won't live here forever, this is just temporary.

I know that I can be better out there, I hope this is just the matter of time. What I'm doing now is survival, that's what I'm doing now. You know, I haven't received monthly money from my mother, the last time my mother gave it was November 2022. My money now is IDR 105.000 or $6,93 dollars (20/01/2023's rate).

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (20/01/2023)

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram on Friday, 20 January, 2023.


Sunday, January 1, 2023

My Course Result Sheet for Odd Semester of Academic Year 2022/2023 in Sam Ratulangi University

My KHS (Kartu Hasil Studi or in English Course Result Sheet) for odd semester of academic year 2022/2023. This is my first and last semester result sheet at Sam Ratulangi University because I won't continue my study on Sam Ratulangi University in the next semester or in my semester 2.

I don't want to continue at Sam Ratulangi University for many reasons, but the main one is because the rectorate still enforces online lectures except for semesters 4, 6 and 8 based on the latest regulations. I'm fed up with online lectures, I pay a lot just to study online, I can't fully enjoy all the campus facilities, fuck. My tuition fee per semester is IDR 3,000,000. It's not just me who doesn't like it, a lot of my friends are annoyed by this. 

You know why there is one subject where the score is zero, that's because I didn't take the final semester exam but I didn't take the final exam because I was kicked out of the class group on WhatsApp by the lecturer and she is the dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences of Sam Ratulangi University Ma'am Maya Pingkan Warouw, just because I argued with her (there's a lot of evidence). This is also one of the reasons why I don't want to continue studying here anymore.

At least my semester grade point average reached a minimum (GPA 2.0) so I could continue to the next semester. Because according to Sam Ratulangi University regulations, a student must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 in order to continue to the next semester.

Actually, if I had no problems at all from the beginning until now since I entered college and also completed all assignments, I could get A's in all subjects. But, furthermore, academic grades do not determine whether someone is smart or not. Grades are not everything, the main thing is the enthusiasm to want to learn and learn wherever and whenever.

Thursday, December 8, 2022

My Activity in Campus (01/12/2022)

On Thursday, 1 December, 2022 I went to campus at 3 pm to attend a technical meeting of the new members of the Scout Student Activity Unit of Sam Ratulangi University. The one who told me to go to campus was Shawn Mamuaja, he is my senior, we were both majoring in English literature, Now he is in his 5th semester.

Our meeting was not long, only half an hour at that time. The new members were actually only 6 people including me but only 5 came. So we discussed technical matters regarding the implementation of acceptance of new members, namely in the form of an indoor camp at the Scout Building, North Sario Sub-district, Sario District, Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia.

These are some photos of me and them, on my left is Shawn Mamuaja and on my right is Junixti, he is a new member of the campus scouts too like me, he is a student of department of public administration of faculty of social and political sciences.

Shawn said to me that I don't have to wear my college suit but it's better if I wear it because this meeting doesn't require us to wear suit, the important thing is that the clothes we wear are polite and neat.

This photo was taken on Thursday, 1 December, 2022 at 17:27 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

I actually don't want to post this because it's been too long but I think it's okay.

I met some of my friends while on campus that day. On that day there was a meeting of participants who passed KIP-Kuliah (Kartu Indonesia Pintar-Kuliah, Indonesia Smart Card-College) acceptance in the Auditorium of Sam Ratulangi University. I promised some of my friends that after my scout meeting was over I would go to them and finally be able to meet. These are some photos of me with my college friends near the auditorium:

I'm with Nirmala Sudarman, she is a student of department of architecture of faculty of engineering.

This photo was taken on Thursday, 1 December, 2022 at 18:24 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. 

I'm with Jovanca Aslin Pasuhuk, she is a student of department of water resources management of faculty of fisheries and marine science.

This photo was taken on Thursday, 1 December 2022 at 18:31 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

I'm with my college friends, Veronika Monika Rorimpandey (who took the photo) from department of public administration, Anisa Kasim (on my left) from department of public administration and Trifena Latreia Eirene Mamahit (blonde hair) from department of law. 

I'm with my college friends, Lince Liling Pesik (who took the photo) from department of law, Erwin Mesa Langi (on the far right in the photo) from department of accounting, Ayulorenzia Eztevani Vaolana from department of history and Martino Rista Resita from department of English literature.

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