
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Monday, October 21, 2024

I Hope My Indonesian Friends Who Don't Like Prabowo Understand This

I hope my Indonesian friends who don't like Prabowo understand that my intention in congratulating Prabowo on his inauguration as President of the Republic of Indonesia is not because I like him. That is a form of my concern for this republic.

Don't think that I don't know or pretend not to know what he did in the past, human rights violations. I'm trying to be objective you know. He is the president of the republic now and he was able to get this position after winning a democratic presidential election.

My congratulations on his inauguration does not mean I am a nationalist, really. If I were a citizen of another country I would do the same thing too and now I am still a citizen of the Republic of Indonesia (you know what I mean). I care about the country I'm in.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My First Photo With the National Flag

I think this is the first time I have taken a photo with the national flag behind me. As you can see, it's the national flag of Republic of Indonesia. I wanted to post this photo on 17 August, 2024 to commemorate 79th Independence Day of Indonesia, but I forgot. 🇮🇩🇮🇩🇮🇩

Taken on Wednesday, 21 August, 2024 at with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

This is not my best look. I don't really like this photo, I didn't wear a tie that time and also my shirt collar is too wide. However, I want to have an official portrait like a public official or politician. I don't want to say this photo as an official portrait.

Hmm, maybe one day i can be a public official or politician? Hehe, that day will come, but definitely not here. Yes, representing my constituents and also solving issues that I know. Even though I also follow the party platform, I will always put the country over the party.

With this post I also want people to know that I am still a citizen, law-abiding citizen, of the Republic of Indonesia. Saying this does not mean being nationalistic, but being patriotic. I will say that I'm a patriotic but higher above that, internationalism. 🇺🇳🇺🇳🇺🇳

We, humans, live in the same world. All humans need each other. Humans should unite across national, political, cultural, racial, or class boundaries. Especially nationalism, don't let it limit you. Oue true nationality is humanity. Internationalism unites us all.

Internationalism also means that we must always be connected to each other. Our interconnectivity saves all of us. Especially now, we have the internet, since 1991. That's also why I will always support the United Nations. The existence of United Nations is a must.

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram account on Wednesday, 21 August, 2024.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Do I Care About Politics?

You care or don't care about politics, it still influences your life. Back to each individual, but my advice is that you need to learn about politics, you need to have political knowledge so that you won't be fooled later especially by those politicians.

I care about politics but I don't really show it. Although mainly because I avoid conflict, especially with my friends, I also don't want to be 'wrongly' affiliated with a particular ideology or political movement.

With this there will be people who will call me a coward and I have no problem with that. If on an international scale, it is better to buy time for some conflicts than to start a third world war.

I Didn't Force You, I Wanted You to Help Me

Okay, so there was an anonymous account on Instagram that sent me a screenshot of a post from one of my Facebook friends and the post was about me. It was a post just for friends and I was honestly confused at the time.

I was confused about why he, my Facebook friend, posted that and after I looked for his account it turned out he had unfriended me, I don't know since when. So that post said that I was actually a liberal and edgy person.

In that post, I noticed that one of my friends, who was also his friend, reacted to his post. I chatted her on Messenger and asked her to help me to screenshot that post and send it to me but she refused. That was the first time I asked her for help and she refused.

She then said that I didn't actually ask for help but dragged my problem onto someone else. How could she really didn't know my worries at that time and she said so. What did I say then to her? "Fuck you".

She then said that I was manipulative and forced people to ask for help. Since when did I become manipulative, you fucking bitch? I really don't understand with her at all. She also mocked me by saying "just cry" several times.

Very bad, I thought all this time she was my friend but it turns outs she wasn't my friend and this was my fault. I didn't feel anything wrong with cursing her, really. I just asked for simple help and she couldn't help because she didn't want to, not because she couldn't.

If you are reading this bitch, do  you want people to do the same thing to you that you did to me? You do not want it, right? Later, if someone asks for help, please help if you can, don't ignore it.
If she had helped me by sending me the screenshots, I wouldn't have posted this. I just want to know the reality of that post because I was informed from an anonymous account about that post. Of course I didn't immediately believe it, I was very worried.

I didn't understand the purpose of the anonymous account telling me about the post and of course I'm worried. What's worse is that there is one of my friends who I can't ask for help, that one bitch. Again, fuck you, okay, fuck you!

Regarding the post itself I already know what it is, it's somewhat political and with personal annoyance. I actually don't care about it, at least I know now. He said that I'm a liberal and edgy, hmm, I don't care and who would cares?

If you are reading this, the one who posted that post, I'm not against socialism okay. I actually support socialism but not consecrated socialism. But you must always remember that I believe in freedom. 

I think it's clear now, by my side of course. I have forgiven you bitch and I'm not manipulative and will never be manipulative. You need to understand this. Hopefully you will become a better individual in the future.

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Congratulations to All Citizens of Republic of Indonesia Who Have Exercised Their Voting Rights on Wednesday, 14 February, 2024

Congratulations to all citizens of Republic of Indonesia who have exercised their voting rights on Wednesday, 14 February, 2024. We have determined our next leader, our next president. All the best for Indonesia. Go forward Indonesia!

Taken on Wednesday, 14 February, 2024 at 13:17 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

No leader is perfect, none of our three presidential candidates are perfect. Each of them definitely has its own good and bad. However, only one will win this presidential election. He will win because he will win but…he must win because Indonesia needs him.

Hopefully the presidential candidate I have voted for will win this presidential election. After I pondered and based on all my considerations I voted for him. He is not left wing or right wing, he is for Indonesia. Hopefully Indonesia will be more advanced under his government.

Long live the Republic, long live Indonesia!