
Showing posts with label My Stuff. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Stuff. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Story of the Day (Wednesday, 10 May, 2023)

Yesterday I didn't go to the public health center, I have to reschedule again. It's annoying not being able to read text from a distance, I need glasses and I need to check my myopia but I need a cover letter from public health center. 

This photo was taken on Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 at 18:07 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house.

This photo was taken on Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 at 18:02 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house.

This photo was taken on Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 at 18:05 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house.

This photo was taken on Tuesday, 9 May, 2033 at 17:54 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house.

This photo was taken on Tuesday, 9 May, 2023 at 17:51 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my boarding house.

You see that rainbow flag hanging behind me? That's mine and that's mean I'm part of LGBTQ+ community. Always support LGBTQ+ community! We exist and will always exist! 

~ Sofia Rina the Dancing Star (10/05/2023) 

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram on Wednesday, 10 May, 2023 except for last two photos.


Monday, May 8, 2023

Story of the Day (Monday, 8 May, 2023)

These days are boring. I'll see whether I'll go tomorrow to the public health center or not, to get a letter of introduction to the ophthalmologist to check the myopia level of my eyes. I need glasses, really. People's faces are very blurry.

This photo was taken on Saturday, 18 February, 2033 at 23:35 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

~ Sofia Rina the Dancing Star (08/05/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on this article.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Story of the Day (Sunday, 7 May, 2023)

I'd like to write about how my mother does "huwawa". It's the term that only my mother, my sister and I know, I'll explain later about it. She's been doing it since September last year until now. I don't really like to see her doing it actually but whatever.

This photo was taken on Monday, 17 April, 2023 at 03:48 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in Molas, Manado.

I wonder what if we go back to the era of the space race, the era when everyone dreamed of going to outer space, it must be very interesting. I hope I can buy a good camera later so I can take photos at night and also photos of the sky at night. Night time always interesting for me.

~ Sofia Rina the Dancing Star (07/05/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on this article.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Story of the Day (Monday, 6 February, 2023)

Ah, today my mother and I are not going to my high school to pay my high school tuition debt. I also just went to bed at 5am because I was busy tying my tie (I stayed at my mother's house since yesterday 05/02/2023). Hopefully tomorrow (07/02/2023) I and my mother will go to my high school.

This photo was taken on Monday, 6 February, 2023 at 23:44 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

You know, my glasses have been crushed by a car. So, at 8pm when my mother and I were going to buy pliers, my glasses fell out of my sweater pocket onto the street. It's okay, I've been wearing glasses very rarely since last year because the lenses are blurry.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (06/02/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Monday, 6 February, 2023.


Thursday, February 2, 2023

Story of the Day (Thursday, 2 February, 2023)

I haven't slept much lately, today I only slept about 6 hours from 6am to 12pm. Usually I sleep 8 hours or more, I'm a bit confused actually. At least I slept well.

I rarely wear glasses now, at least since August 2022. I only wear glasses when there is something written on a banner or board that I have to read. My glasses are a bit hazy.

This photo was taken on Thursday, 2 February, 2023 at 05:52 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

This photo was taken on Thursday, 2 February, 2023 at 05:56 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

This photo was taken on Thursday, 2 February, 2023 at 06:03 with Samsung Galaxy A10s. 

This photo was taken on Thursday, 2 February, 2023 at 06:04 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

I found my old monthly planner book from 2019, although I don't have any plans for this year but I'll try to fill out the day columns. Let's see how it's going.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (02/02/2023)

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram on Thursday, 2 February, 2023.
