
Thursday, February 9, 2023

I Didn't Make an Article/Post About Yesterday (Wednesday, 8 February, 2023)

I didn't make a story about yesterday (08/02/2023), well there's nothing to say about yesterday. At least I had taken a photo of myself yesterday (I take photo every day you know).
This photo was taken on Wednesday, 8 February, 2023 at 17:13 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Wednesday, 8 February, 2023.


Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Story of the Day (Tuesday, 7 February, 2023)

Today was very tiring for me especially mentally. Today my mother and I have gone to my high school to take my diploma and also pay off my high school tuition debt. Finally, my high school tuition debt was paid off. When I was going through the process of getting my diploma, at first everything went well but not later. 

This photo was taken on Tuesday, 7 February, 2023 at 10:38 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my senior high school (SMA Negeri 6 Manado).

I'll get straight to the point (I'll detail the storyline in another article/post), so there was a typo in my name on my diploma to be precise on my surname, my surname should be ALMAKAWI not ALKAMAWI. My mother while reading my diploma found that typo. 

Then my mother was furious and raged to the point of making a scene at my school. Finally the security guard calmed my mother down and then my mother and I went to the North Sulawesi Provincial Education Office to report that maladministration. 

At the provincial education office, my mother was furious and raged in the lobby and asked to be met immediately by the head of the senior high school management section. However, because the head of the section was not there, my mother met with the head of the vocational high school section. 

After talking for a long time, even though sometimes I went berserk, my mother finally calmed down too. From the education office, my mother and I went to my sister's elementary school to pick her up. After elementary school my sister three of us went to my mother's workplace (SMA Negeri 3 Manado). 

Yes that's the outline of what happened today. My mother threw a tantrum at a lot of people today but I can live with that because she cares about my degree. About my mother it's okay but about my diploma it's not okay. 

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (07/02/2023) 

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Tuesday, 7 February, 2023.


Monday, February 6, 2023

Story of the Day (Monday, 6 February, 2023)

Ah, today my mother and I are not going to my high school to pay my high school tuition debt. I also just went to bed at 5am because I was busy tying my tie (I stayed at my mother's house since yesterday 05/02/2023). Hopefully tomorrow (07/02/2023) I and my mother will go to my high school.

This photo was taken on Monday, 6 February, 2023 at 23:44 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

You know, my glasses have been crushed by a car. So, at 8pm when my mother and I were going to buy pliers, my glasses fell out of my sweater pocket onto the street. It's okay, I've been wearing glasses very rarely since last year because the lenses are blurry.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (06/02/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Monday, 6 February, 2023.


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Story of the Day (Sunday, 5 February, 2023)

Aww, this day I was encouraging my own self that I can be better and I can improve a lot of my abilities, especially my language skills. I'm still learning many things, my knowledge and wisdom that will save me coupled with my strong mentality and charming personality.

This photo was taken on Sunday, 5 February, 2023 at 22:53 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

Tomorrow (06/02/2023), My mother and I are planning to go to my high school to pay off my high school tuition debt of IDR 500,000. Hopefully after paying the tuition debt I can immediately take my high school diploma.

Tomorrow is the first day of studying at Sam Ratulangi University, my college friends are probably ready for the first day of their second semester. Ah, it's okay I will go to college again at another university that is better than that. I will continue my study, really.

Writing like this is good, when one day someone wants to insult me ​​or put me down based on my past story, I'm ready for that because I've told a lot about me from now until later. I also share stories about me with all of you, maybe we have similar or the same stories.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (05/02/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Sunday, 5 February, 2023.


Story of the Day (Saturday, 4 February, 2023)

Yesterday (03/02/2023) I was so tired that I didn't take a shower after coming home from campus. I actually don't have anything to tell today, maybe about problems in my family but later I'll write it in another post/article.

This photo was taken on Saturday, 4 February, 2023 at 23:35 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

~ Sofia the Dancing Star (04/02/2023)

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Saturday, 4 February, 2023.
