
Friday, October 18, 2024

If You Can Imagine Something Better for Yourself, You Can Create It

No matter what your current circumstances are, if you can imagine something better for yourself, you can create it. Just like me, I know that I can improve myself, I know that I can make myself better. I am doing it now, even though it may be slow, at least there is progress.

It hurts me when my mother says that I can only dream but I can only dream as long as I'm with her, depend on her. I always feel pressured by it. But I believe that I can definitely realize many of my dreams, not only for myself but also for others, for the common good.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

This is My Favourite Indonesian Tea

You know, I always drink tea and jasmine tea is my favorite. Tong Tji Jasmine Tea, one of the variants of Tong Tji tea, is the most famous jasmine tea in Indonesia. The taste of this tea is stronger than the others. In these photos, this is the version with enveloped tea bags.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 02:58 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 02:59 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 02:59 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 02:50 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 03:15 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 03:16 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 03:02 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 03:03 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Thursday, 26 September, 2024 at 03:09 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Hey, I'm not promoting a brand okay, I'm not paid to do this, I just want to share my favorite tea. Loveable right?

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram account on Thursday, 3 October, 2024.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

My Entire 18 Will Be Filled With Hair Loss

My self-confidence has been decreasing since late July 2024. This is mainly because of my severe hair loss in July and August, it was really unpleasant. I don't know what I did that made my hair fall out severely like that. I'm still confused until now. I'll just say that my hair has been falling out frequently since this year, even though I often stay at home, often wash my hair, properly sleep, don't drink alcohol, don't smoke, don't use hair dryer and hair straightener (I don't have money to buy these devices.

Taken on Friday, 13 September, 2024 at 13:48 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Friday, 13 September, 2024 at 13:48 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Friday, 13 September, 2024 at 13:48 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Taken on Friday, 13 September, 2024 at 13:49 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

Huh, almost all my 18 years of age I've been losing my hair. I don't really want to include psychological factors like stress because that seems inevitable to me in this environment. That means that my stress is caused entirely by my environment. Last year, 2023, my hair was thick and strong, to the point where one of my best fiends complimented me on it. I was generally proud of my hair last year, really. This was apart from my presumption that I might have body dysmorphia because of some presumed symptoms of it that I have.

I have asked the solutions for this to some of my best friends. Since September it seems like my hair loss has started to decrease but it is still ongoing. I'm still confused if the way I comb my hair affects my hair loss, because usually when I comb my hair, there is hair loss. I always thought my way of combing was always right, to the left, to the right and back. The comb I have is only a common toothed comb, there are no other types, I don't have enough money to buy another types of comb. Hmm, if I had more money I could take better care of my hair.

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram account on Saturday, 14 September, 2024.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Tuition Fee for My Third Semester in Indonesia Open University

Alright, so on Tuesday, 9 July, 2024 I have paid the tuition fee for my third semester in Indonesia Open University, it costs IDR 1,563,435. The tuition fee for my second semester was IDR 1,509,533 and paid on Tuesday, 9 January, 2024. 

Taken on Wednesday, 10 July, 2024 at 14:23 with Samsung Galaxy A05s.

As in the first and second semester, my mother and I paid my tuition fee at BNI bank. I forgot to take a photo when I was at the bank, so I just took a photo of the proof of payment from the bank, which is this photo (sorry I cropped it, hehe).

Sorry it took me a while to post this because I often forget to post this. By the way, I've received my semester book package for this third semester, I'll post the photos of it later but hey, I don't think I've posted the photos of the books for the second semester either.

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram account on Friday, 30 August, 2024.

Monday, August 26, 2024

I've Been Thinking About Nevada for the Past Two Weeks

I've been thinking about Nevada for the past two weeks, mostly about its Black Rock Desert. It is a semi-arid region, I would love to visit it someday. Maybe it's because of the movie I watched two weeks ago. Spending the night in the middle of the desert might be interesting.

Taken on Monday, 26 August, 2024 at 20:35 with Samsung Galaxy A05s. That is from my sister's laptop.

Taken on Monday, 26 August, 2024 at 20:34 with Samsung Galaxy A05s. That is from my sister's laptop.

Taken on Monday, 26 August, 2024 at 20:17 with Samsung Galaxy A05s. That is from my sister's laptop.

Taken on Monday, 26 August, 2024 at 20:13 with Samsung Galaxy A05s. That is from my sister's laptop.

Taken on Monday, 26 August, 2024 at 20:11 with Samsung Galaxy A05s. That is from my sister's laptop.

This desert is part of the Black Rock Desert-High Rock Canyon Emigrant Trails National Conservation Area, a federal land under the management and protection of Bureau of Land Management (BLM), an agency of U.S. Department of Interior if you don't know.

In the northwest of this desert there is the Massacre Rim Wilderness Study Area (WSA) which is one of 17 international dark sky sanctuaries in the world. One of the darkest places in Nevada and also the contiguous United States. It would be fantastic to do stargazing here.

Regarding those international dark sky sanctuaries, they are classified by the non-profit organization DarkSky International, There are also some other international classifications such as reserves and parks. I love the principle of this organization, just read about it.

Ah, Nevada, full of deserts and more than 80% of its land is federal land, managed by the U.S. Federal Government. Not to mention about Area 51 (this one is not managed by BLM but by Department of Defense). I'll talk about it later (I'm not interested in most military areas).

I took several different photos of several different maps as you can see here. This desert is close to the California-Nevada state boundary from the map but in reality, it's very remote.

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram account on Monday, 26 August, 2024.