
Thursday, February 15, 2024

Congratulations to All Citizens of Republic of Indonesia Who Have Exercised Their Voting Rights on Wednesday, 14 February, 2024

Congratulations to all citizens of Republic of Indonesia who have exercised their voting rights on Wednesday, 14 February, 2024. We have determined our next leader, our next president. All the best for Indonesia. Go forward Indonesia!

Taken on Wednesday, 14 February, 2024 at 13:17 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

No leader is perfect, none of our three presidential candidates are perfect. Each of them definitely has its own good and bad. However, only one will win this presidential election. He will win because he will win but…he must win because Indonesia needs him.

Hopefully the presidential candidate I have voted for will win this presidential election. After I pondered and based on all my considerations I voted for him. He is not left wing or right wing, he is for Indonesia. Hopefully Indonesia will be more advanced under his government.

Long live the Republic, long live Indonesia!

Monday, February 12, 2024

New Home Screen Wallpaper for My Smartphone

Ah, yesterday I have changed the home screen wallpaper of my smartphone. The previous wallpaper was almost 2 years old. The image I made into this wallpaper is a photo of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center. The reason why I use this photo as wallpaper is because I fell in love with these two towers and also because I want to go to America. Someday, I will be in America. 🗽🇺🇸

This photo of the Twin Towers was taken on 14 July, 2001 at 22:50 with Nikon E990 (I read the EXIF data of this photo).

Friday, February 2, 2024

Our Friendship is More Important than What Happened in Palestine

If you follow me on many of my social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Tumblr you may have noticed that I rarely post anything related to Israel and Palestine, especially about the conflict that occurred between them. The only reason is because I don't want any conflict to occur in the comments section, especially on Facebook.
For all of my friends, there are many of you guys who are pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel, that's your choice. What about me? I'm pro Palestine but not in the way people might think. I try not to really show my views on this, I don't want our friendship to get worse because of this.
I support Palestine, I support the Palestinian people in fighting for their independence against the Israeli occupation. I support the two-state solution with pre-1967 borders. Hopefully one day, Palestine will be free, even if it would take a hundred years.
I don't want to lose friends just because of differences in opinions about Israel and Palestine. Whether you are pro Israel or pro Palestine, if you are my friend, you are my friend. I always maintain harmony in our relationship. 
It's not easy to find friends now, especially friends who can understand me as me. Please always be a good friend, I also always try to be a good friend. I don't really have any friends in real life. I need all of you. 
I hope you all understand this. Don't end our friendship just because of this. Our friendship is more important than what happened there, yes I said it so please don't be angry. Please always be nice to me, I always be nice to you too.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Tuition Fee for My Second Semester in Indonesia Open University

Last week, on Tuesday, 9 January, 2024 my mother and I have paid the tuition fee for my second semester in Indonesia Open University, it costs IDR 1,509,533. The tuition fee for my first semester was IDR 1,528,513 and paid on 7 July, 2023. Now I'm waiting for my semester book package to come (all students get it every semester according to the number of courses, one book for one course).

As in the first semester, my mother and I paid my tuition fee at BNI bank. It is one of several services that could be used to pay my tuition. My mother likes to pay the tuition at the bank because she can get a payment receipt and yeah I think it's good. Payment via the internet or paying at minimarkets is risky, the internet infrastructure in Indonesia is still not completely good.

Taken on Tuesday, 9 January, 2024 at 13:29 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

The photo in this article was first published in this article.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

I've Been Feeling Empty Lately

I've been feeling empty lately, I can't explain it now. This relates to my relationship with 2 of my friends, one is my best friend and the other is also my best friend but apparently I misclassified her.

This photo was taken on Saturday, 16 December, 2023 at 00:37 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

Guys, if you want to chat with me, please, feel free to send me a message. I've been feeling lonely lately, I need someone who wants to chat with me. Don't be shy with me, okay.

We deserve friends who want to listen to us, me, you, all of us. It is very unpleasant if we don't have any friends who want to listen to us. I have felt that and it makes me sad.

The photo in this article was first published on my Instagram on Saturday, 16 December, 2023.