
Monday, December 4, 2023

Have You Ever Tried Making Eggs Like This?

I'm bored with omelettes and sunny side up eggs so I made this. Is this a scrambled egg? I cracked the egg on a hot frying pan then I stirred it there. 

This photo was taken on Monday, 4 December, 2023 at 05:50 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

This photo was taken on Monday, 4 December, 2023 at 05:53 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

The photos in this article were first published in this article.

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Maybe I Won't be Able to Survive in This Crazy Family

Maybe I won't be able to survive in this crazy family for long. I could be as crazy as them later, fuck. Almost every day there is a commotion, starting from very simple things. There are harsh words every day. Expecting this family to be good is impossible.

Hating is a must, everyone hates each other. Whether I hate them or not hate them I will still get sick because of them. In fact, I'm actually a little sick now because of them. I must leave this family, I must. Fuck you all in this house, really, I don't care with you all.

This photo was taken on Wednesday, 29 November, 2023 at 23;00 with Samsung Galaxy A10s in my mother's room.

I haven't left them because I'm still waiting, waiting for the worst time so I can leave. In the past I was just waiting for a time when this family could be better but it turned out to be impossible. Everyone in this house is full of grudges, grudges with life, except me.

There are many more. By writing this, it calms me down. I have to write this evilly, yes evilly, that's how my mother told me that I am 'evil' by writing bad things about this family but everything I have written is true including this. I only did this to my family, I wouldn't do this to anyone other than my family, really.

The photo in this article was first published in this article.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

I Smile When I Shouldn't Smile

You know that I rarely post photos when I'm smiling so these are some of my photos when I'm smiling. Actually, I'm currently under pressure and smiling doesn't seem like a good idea for me now. I told to myself that I will get out from that pressure someday, I'm waiting for that time.

This photo was taken on Monday, 13 November, 2023 at 08:00 with Asus laptop (my sister's laptop).

This photo was taken on Monday, 13 November, 2023 at 08:00 with Asus laptop (my sister's laptop).

This photo was taken on Monday, 13 November, 2023 at 08:00 with Asus laptop (my sister's laptop).

This photo was taken on Monday, 13 November, 2023 at 08:00 with Asus laptop (my sister's laptop).

We are always becoming, we never become this or that, we are always becoming something, me too. Never stop, always progressing. My friends and best friends, let's progress together.

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram on Monday, 13 November, 2023.

Saturday, November 11, 2023

My Mother is Toxic

I've been suffering all this time, mainly mentally. Don't take this philosophically, I am indeed suffering. My self quality has increased but my life quality has not increased. This is complex, there are many people to blame, not to mention my family especially my mother. It really sucks, fuck. 

This photo was taken on Saturday, 11 November, 2023 at 03:34 with Samsung Galaxy A10s.

Can you stand it if your family insults you or cursed you almost every day? My mother from the past until now really likes to do that to me (although now the intensity is less). But my mother also gave me almost as much affection as she insulted me. So, I'm actually in a bit of a dilemma, I'm confused.

But my mother is toxic like this because my grandmother was toxic to her too. My mother was never loved by my grandmother when she was little, my mother was only loved by my late grandfather. My mother shouldn't be toxic but she became toxic because of my grandmother, not to mention because she was bullied at the school where she works.

My mother was bullied at school where she worked, not because she did something wrong, but because people were mean to her. There are many reasons, such as because my mother is smart, honest and sincere at work. My mother is different from others.

I was also often bullied when I was at school by my friends. The reasons my friends bullied me were almost the same as my mother's work friends bullied her. My thoughts, my personality, my honesty, most of my friends didn't like it. I'm different from others.

I hope I won't be toxic like my mother. I have survived this toxic environment all this time without becoming toxic. My mother has become toxic, she has been poisoned by this toxic environment. Sometimes I feel that I am starting to have my mother's bad qualities, such as being irritable, but thankfully I'm not like that. My emotional state is stable.

I must leave this toxic environment, I must leave my toxic family, I must leave my toxic mother. The city where I live now, Manado, is toxic, the people are toxic. For example, cursing is common here. Even though I will meet other toxic people elsewhere, I must leave. Advice for you, leave the toxic place (or toxic people) that has made you suffer.

The photos in this article were first published on my Instagram on Saturday, 11 November, 2023.

Thursday, November 9, 2023

RIP My Cat Kiksa

RIP Kiksa (November 2019-9 November 2023). She is my most beloved cat. My sister found Kiksa in the morning in my late grandfather's car. I don't know how long she was in the car, I also don't know how she got in, maybe she got in when the window was open but the window was closed when my sister found her. The last time I saw her was on 6 November. My mother had buried her at noon. Hmm, maybe she's tired of living, she's been a bit sick the last few months.

Kiksa rarely went home throughout October because she was pregnant, at the end of the month she gave birth to a kitten. I should have 3 cats now because Kiksa died but because she gave birth to a kitten I still have 4 cats. I haven't given this new cat a name yet. I have many memories with Kiksa.